10 Infinite Marketing Principles
The first thing to remember is marketing starts with the right market, the right message, using the right media, and each of these components depend on each other. If you have the wrong message, it won’t matter what media it’s on or what market you’re speaking to. If you have the wrong media, your market won’t hear your message. You get the point. It’s crucial to acknowledge all aspects of your marketing and think of these 10 Infinite Marketing Principles:
(1) Be a tough-minded disciplinarian and keep your business on a strict marketing diet for at least 6 months – purge your business of all marketing that isn’t performing or doesn’t conform to these golden rules. Develop a new plan with social media, videos, articles, blogging, email, lead capture, applications, and mobile marketing campaigns.
(2) Results trump all– if you’re not getting results from your marketing, you’re doing something wrong. If it’s not bringing in sales, it’s not working.
(3) There will always be an offer or offers – tell your market what’s in it for them such as a free report, coupon, or promotion.
(4) There will always be tracking and measurement – if you can’t measure your current marketing and don’t know what your ROI is, stop doing it. You MUST know your ROI!
(5) There will always be follow-up – you should have a planned sequence of automatic follow-up systems in place
(6) There will always be clear instructions on how to respond – people need to be told what to do. Tell your prospects to sign in to get the offer, click ‘Like’ to be a fan, etc.
(7) There will always be a reason to respond right now – have a limited time offer with an expiration date. This creates a clear sense of urgency.
(8) There will always be strong sales copy, not vague hyperbole – headlines and sales copy are vital. People care about what you can do for them, so convey that.
(9) Whatever “brand-building” occurs will always be a happy by-product, not bought – spending money on branding is not going to get you new sales. Spending money on marketing will!
(10) It may look like mail order advertising – no subtly here. Combine this style with the other nine rules and you’ll be on the right track!
Print these principles, leave them on your desk, post them on your vision board, and keep them in a prominent location. Look at them each time you formulate a plan or make a decision about your marketing. I look forward to hearing about your online success stories!
Editor’s Note: Angel Soria is an Internet Marketing Consultant, entrepreneur, and currently obtaining her Executive MBA at Fresno State. For a free business x-ray report, visit her website www.fresnolocalinternetmarketing.com, or follow her @talk2angelsoria.