
3 Ways to Get Involved With The Samaritans Purse

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media giveThe Samaritans Purse is a non-denominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Their name is based off the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37, which gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever we find them. On their website there are three ways to join in!
1) Pray: The Samaritans Purse asks people to pray for their projects and the people they are helping. You can ask to be sent bi-monthly prayer newsletters, monthly prayer email updates, or a bi-monthly prayer magazine. There are also Prayer Teams that meet in person to pray for the activities and people. Another great way to get together to pray is through social media.

2) Give: Financial donations can be given on a per project basis online by using a credit card or electronic check.

3) Get Involved: There are many different ways you can volunteer with Samaritans Purse. Examples include: U.S. Disaster Relief, Fighting HIV/AIDS, and Operation Christmas Child.

The Samaritan’s Purse is a great example of an organization utilizing social media to help others. They have a Twitter account used to share their stories from missions, a Facebook where people can connect, and a YouTube Channel to share in an up close and personal way. They also utilize the RSS feed quality for their most popular videos and updates by country.
