5 Apps That’ll Make your Life Easier this Holiday:
We know the App Store and especially the Android market can be overwhelming places so we looked around for the best apps for a stress-free holiday season and one of our good friends at Group SJR sent us this one. Whether you spend the holidays cooking, shopping, or socializing, this list should make your quickly approaching (I saw Christmas tress on sale yesterday!) holiday season a little more enjoyable.
1. CheckPoints: a shopping app that rewards you for checking-in to stores while you do your holiday shopping and scanning barcodes. Accumulate points and earn real world rewards like airline miles, gift cards, and gadgets.
2. Epi: This app provides you with thousands of recipes, helps you make shopping lists, and gives you user reviews to help all your holiday cooking go off without a hitch.
3. Pandora: Put it on a Christmas carol channel, and voila – it makes playlists so you don’t have to worry about it!
4. Pageonce Personal Finance: Plan for the influx of bills during the holidays with this app that consolidates all of your accounts and helps you keep them under control.
5. Kyte: This app allows you share photos the instant you take them, so you can share your holiday memories with friends and family who aren’t celebrating with you. Or, instantly upload embarrassing pictures of your coworkers at your office holiday party.
Thanks for the great list Diana, she can be reached at ddozier@groupsjr.com!