5 Things You Need To Know About The Facebook Timeline Cover Picture
Not everyone even has the new Facebook Timeline yet and there are already a ton of different guides, sites, and ideas on how to customize the awesome Timeline cover. We’ve collected some of most important information and a list of some the coolest sites here for you to check out. People are so creative! Have fun with these.
Now…what will the Timeline for business and fan pages look like…
1. Pick one or make on?
Great piece from TheNextWeb here summarizing the benefits a few sites that will help you create an awesome timeline picture or find a sweet one from the gallery. They mention:
- SiteCanvas
- Facebook Profile Covers
- FB Cover Pix
- My FB Covers (collage maker!)
2. Inspiration?
- Check out this article that shows you 40 of the most creative Timeline covers out there.
3. Recommendations and Privacy
- “The Washington Post recommends picking a high-resolution photo that represents your personality and looks good as a wide image, as it stretches across the page’s width. The photo shouldn’t be a picture of you, since your profile picture already is — try a favorite scene, a pet, or something that represents your interests, hobbies or work. Keep in mind, the cover photo is visible to the public even if your account is set to private.” – Geoff Herbert, syracuse.com
4. Make your own from scratch!
- This article has a very thorough guide on the proper sizes and install procedure. Follow this and use a photo editor to make a Timeline cover that stands out. Here is a link to download a Photoshop template file!
5. More!