New Year New You: Customer Experience Design for 2019
Happy new year! Today begins with a “T,” which means it’s time for another edition of Salty’s Social Media Vocabulary. We’re sure you’ve already done much of your 2019 business planning by now, but in case you’re putting on the final touches, we’ve come up with a three simple considerations to improve your brand in 2019.
Is Your Company Customer-Centric?
We covered CX at length, and we’re going to make another pitch for it here: if your company does not put the customer first, you’re doing it wrong. Major brands have almost universally accepted that great CX is the new marketing. CX also increases customer happiness, retention and the likelihood that they will recommend your services to other people. Make 2019 the year of your customers.
Are You Ready for Automation?
If you aren’t automating your social media, you’re working harder than you should. Social media automation is an easy way to streamline your social media calendar and serve up compelling content to your followers. Automation won’t replace your custom created content, but it will help your brand get in touch with your customers. The right social media management tools can help you get started.
Does Your CX Plan Include Social Media?
Automation and content are perhaps the most basic tenets of a social plan, and you should also look at social as a critical part of your overall CX plan. A strong social presence and a good community management strategy will dramatically improve your CX through creating more channels for communication. As we’ve said before, go to your customers; don’t make them come to you.
What new strategies or technologies are you implementing this year? What have you learned from last years’ strategies? Let us know in the comments. We’ll see you again next week!