How Effective Are Your Tweets?
So you want to know, how many people actually see your tweets? How many people do those things actually make their way to through your network? You know that social media is playing a role in SEO and you want to be influential, so let’s start with Twitter and see just how many people you’re getting to.
That’s where TweetReach comes in. The free plan is simple; it allows you to search a url, Twitter handle, phrase, or hashtag and then returns the reach and exposure for the search term. When you search a Twitter handle TweetReach takes your last 50 tweets and then calculates how many people they reached and a list of your top contributors of impressions.
This is a great tool for finding out which types of tweets are working for you and which ones aren’t. It is also great for finding the people that are really engaged in what you have to say. If you see that there are people consistently contributing to getting you impressions, it is an opportunity to thank them and work to further that partnership.
When you nail down exactly what you are doing to successfully to get impressions, you can work to keep increasing them more effectively. The way you tweet has a direct effect on how far that tweet makes it through the twittersphere; basing future tweets on ones TweetReach says are getting impressions is a great way to start perfecting your technique.