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15 Stages of Online Presence Evolution Through Social Media, Part III

social media, tracking, salty waffle, evolutionParts 1 and 2 have taken us through the first 8 stages of evolution of the online presence through social media and now its time for part 3. This will take us to stage 12 and we’ll only be one post away from from the last three stages. Catch up with the first two parts here and here if you missed them and let us know where you are at, we’ll meet you there.

Stage 9: Ah Stage 9. This is where you see that all these networking skills and social media knowledge might just actually pay off. You know that you can help your business and especially the website using social media so you take the lead on making a Facebook Page and Twitter account for your business. You register the Twitter handle with some directories like Twellow and spread the word about your new social media pages via your personal network.

Stage 10: You take a big step here and you start sharing not only existing content, but your own content. You know content is the key so you set up a WordPress (or other) site and start writing about things you think your customers will like. You are sharing on your personal network and the business pages you set up. Hootsuite or something similar is helping you manage all that posting and you are slowly building up content.

Stage 11: You installed Google Analytics on your site so you can get an idea of where you are at. Things like getting linkbacks, SEO, and bounce rate are a daily concern. You have been listening to your customers and closely follow conversations in social media that relate to them. You have established some sort of newsletter for your site and are finding subscribers.

Stage 12: Analytics data and social listening have given you enough information to hone your social authoring skills and nail down key words. Tools and sites in your daily repertoire include Hubspot’s Website Grader, Twittergrader, Alexa, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Twellow, and MailChimp. You also employ several mobile apps to stay constantly connected and respond quickly no matter where you may be. The customers that are reaching your site via social media efforts are identifying well with it. Your bounce rate is dropping and conversions and traffic are up.

Check back next week for the fourth and final chapter and the last 3 stages!