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Measuring Social Influence: Klout

social media, social media influence, social network influence, klout, social media classesA while back we wrote about how Bing and Google were making the way people share information on the social web an important part of search rankings and page results. You can’t have great SEO without a good social strategy. Social is SEO and SEO is social. This is why it is so important to know where you stand as an influencer in social media.

The bottom line is, the more influential you are in the world of social media and on networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and the rest, the better ability you have to spread content. If you can spread valuable content, you get visitors, a strong supporting community, and ultimately, more conversions and real dollars.

To start getting an idea how you are doing in the influence department, try out a site called Klout. Klout measures the influence of any Twitter handle and returns a nice report on key elements that make up overall influence. Their three main score categories are true reach, amplification, and network which represent the raw number of users you get to with every tweet, the likelihood your content will be acted upon, and the influence level of your engaged audience, respectively.

Just recently, Klout launched the ability to connect a number of profiles including Facebook. This gives you a more accurate score and more complete assessment of where you stand as an influencer. Go connect yours!

klout, social media, influence, salty waffle

We did our very own Salty Waffle score sheet and we want to see how you all are doing as well. Go to Klout and get your own scores, click through some of the reports, and then come back and give us your overall score and the true reach, amplification, and network scores. According to Klout we are “influential to a tightly formed network that is growing larger” and that sounds great to us. If you are looking to start building your influence as well, let us help, we have classes built online that can help you get a good start with social media today!