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Social Media With A Side Of Scandal: Facebook Divorce, NOWitzki, Sweet 16, Google Doodle, and Weinergate

social media, twitter, facebook, mashable, salty waffle, nba finals, social media stories this week
True. But the story was.

It was a crazy week in social media and with the NBA Finals wrapping up over the weekend, there were even more story lines blowing up Twitter. In case you missed some of the crazy stories, we’ve collected our favorite and linked them below, along with just a little bit of commentary.

  • Weinergate: Yeah, some Congressman failed at Twitter big time. Anthony Weiner is the latest casualty of a classic Twitter mistake: sending out a ‘DM’ to the public. Unfortunately for him, the content of his tweet wasn’t exactly appropriate…
  • #NOWitzki: Dirk vanquished the hated Miami Heat and earned his first NBA Championship. Story lines ranging from LeBron and Wade clowning on Dirk, to Mark Cuban’s silence, to [imagine this] thoughts about the actual game. Social media was all over these finals, see exactly how the NBA used drama to it’s advantage online.
  • Google Doodle: The latest iteration of the Google logo took on a life of it’s own online, literally. After ridiculous success with the interactive doodle honoring Les Paul, Google gave it a permanent online home.
  • Facebook Divorce: A woman created a fake Facebook to try and incriminate her soon to be ex-husband. The funny part is, he knew it was her the whole time. Check out how he messed with her and stay away from fake Facebook‘s…
  • Sweet 16: Oh privacy settings, the bane of every teenagers Facebook existence. It doesn’t normally play out like this though: 1,500 people showed up to an a birthday party for a 16 year-old that eventually had to be shut down by over 100 mounted police officers. Maybe next time she’ll set those events to ‘private’.