
Social Media: Bringing People Together For Freedom

social media, salty waffle, social media faith, social media faith based organizations, social media church, social media share, social media community, social media cause, social media Facebook, social media Facebook causesSocial media is a great tool for rallying people together for a common cause. On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain. America became known as the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” Next Monday, the fourth of July, is a great day to give back and free others from dependencies.

A past Salty Waffle article highlights how quickly social media covered news on Japan’s earthquake through Twitter, and how quickly people were able to respond through Facebook Causes. Facebook causes is a platform that you can use to mobilize your network of friends to grow lasting social and political movements.

3 Facebook Causes pages focused on bring people out of dependency:

1) Passion 4 People International: exists to empassion ordinary people to make extraordinary efforts and show the least loved they matter to our Creator. They put on medical clinics and youth & family outreaches across the globe.

2) Sponsor a Jesus Well in India: After seeing the need for clean water in the slums of India, people were moved to create this cause. The Jesus Well project is able to give clean water to the desperately poor Dalit and slum communities through donations from gathered on this site.

3) Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Africa: this group is focused on providing spiritual, financial, and physical support to third-world ministry partners. Their current projects include providing food security, shelter, healthcare and educational assistance to orphans and vulnerable children in Southern Africa through local community based organizations.

What is Facebook Causes about…

Facebook Causes is bringing people together to make a difference. This social networking site is an extension of Facebook. It has all the same interactive qualities with a cause based focus. With a little more than 9.5 million monthly active users this is a powerful tool for bringing people into action. There are three action buttons on each causes site. On the site people are able to give (time and money), spread the word, and share experiences with each other.

Call to Action Buttons:

A great idea to inspire your congregation before volunteering comes from Church Volunteer Central. To energize your volunteers this summer, we suggest you host a party on July Fourth to celebrate true freedom—the freedom that comes from serving Jesus Christ!  Make it look and feel similar to a traditional American Fourth of July party, and ask two or three people to share the story of their own faith journey.

To prepare for the process of bring people together online check out Salty Waffle’s social media classes!