
Time To Square Up To Your Customers

Transactions are the reason why we run a retail business. The worst feeling ever is not being able to complete one due to being out of the office. Well sweat no longer! Meet Square. This nifty unit allows you to take credit card payments in a parking lot, at a baseball game, during a fancy dinner… you get the idea. I recently wrote an article about Square being used at a garage sale. If the most low tech ‘business’ is using this technology, it’s most definitely time for your retail business to jump on the bandwagon. If for nothing else, the cost of getting this bad boy rings in at… FREE!

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Add the versatility of Square to your retail business

So the versatility of accepting payments anywhere and everywhere hasn’t sold you yet. Being an avid eBayer and longtime user of Paypal, I thought I had found my soulmate for any online purchase. It’s fairly easy to use, recognized around the world, safe and secure and convenient. Sounds like a great service, until you dig a little deeper. Paypal must have deep pockets after crunching some numbers. They pocket 3% + .30 per transaction. When profit margins aren’t huge, each cent counts. Square takes 2.99% + .15 when you swipe a credit card. Square also takes the initiative to send your customer a receipt and even gives you an option to have them sign your smart phone screen.

My 1 inch plastic slider arrived 48 hours after I ordered it, and was using it that same day. Although it may be a ‘newer’ technology, it seems like there’s no reason to miss out on an opportunity to Square Up.