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Privacy Settings: Avoid The Social Media Paparazzi

social media, social resume, twitter, facebook, salty waffle, lady gaga, paparazziYou know the paparazzi, they’ll take any opportunity to catch a star like yourself doing something a little less than kosher. If you’re looking or have just applied for a job, employers  will most likely seek out your social media profiles and they are usually in paparazzi mode. In other words, they are out specifically to find damning photos, errant remarks, and anything else that might indicate to them that you may not be a good employee.
That might sound scary, but this is actually your chance to impress them! On every network you operate on, there are privacy settings to control what type of information is shown to who. You want to give people a taste of who you are as a person, but maybe not all the drunk photos from college.
If you have decided that you want to change up what the world is seeing at the moment and adjust the flow of your information, you’re going to need to go in and mess with some privacy settings. We have attached guides to adjusting your setting on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.
social media, social resume, salty waffleThis is a part of one of our lessons on ‘Building A Killer Social Resume’. You can that course find at our store here, we’ve just changed things so that you can now enroll in unlimited lessons for a small monthly fee instead of paying for one class at a time. If you liked learning a little bit about privacy settings, things you read on the blog, or just want to know more about something, try out one of our classes, they will take your social media knowledge to a whole new level!
Privacy Guides: