Facebook Engagement Increasing Contrary to Reuters Poll
There was a poll last week saying that one third of Facebook users are using it less than compared to 6 moths ago. There has been new stats that state the opposite.
Conducted by Reuters and research firm Ipsos, the survey gathered responses from 1,032 participants and found that 35% of users are using it less and that only 20% of them are spending more time on the site. However, comScore and Nielson found data that members are using Facebook the same as and if not much more than six months ago.
According to comScore, average time spent on the site increased by 4% from 364 minutes in September to 379 minutes in April.
In addition, Nielsen data shows that 151 million unique visitors (people visiting the site for the first time) came to Facebook in April and seven out of 10 Americans who used the internet in April visited the site. It also found out that average user spends 7 hours 9 minutes time a month on the site, which makes up 18% of total time spent online during the month.
This is far more than other sites:
- AOL (2 hours, 30 minutes)
- Yahoo (2 hours, 23 minutes)
- Google (1 hour, 56 minutes)
- YouTube (1 hour, 30 minutes)
Facebook members were coming back to the site almost every day in April, averaging around 28 times. So, what do you think? Are you spending more or less on Facebook? Please comment and share!