2012 Betting On Our Future Spotlight Festival
I’m happy to share with all of you last month’s column in the Tulare Kings Hispanic Times gave me an opportunity to be a keynote speaker, workshop presenter, and judge at the 2012 Betting on Our Future (BOOF) Spotlight Festival. The Program Analyst for California Friday Night Live Partnership read my article and next thing I knew I was in Anaheim at the Disneyland Resort for their 3rd annual event.
BOOF is a youth conference where young people are given the opportunity to showcase their work in raising awareness of problem gambling and create a positive change in their local communities. Youth from across the state gather together every summer for the Spotlight Festival in Southern California and are engaged with creating dramatic presentations, educational videos, and Public Service Announcements. They spend three amazing days in informative workshops, participating in hands-on activities, and continuing to build skills in leadership, advocacy, team-building, public speaking, and project planning.
California Friday Night Live Partnership, California Center for Youth Development and Health Promotion, Tulare County Office of Education, and BOOF are supported by the California Office of Problem Gambling. This powerhouse forum provides an opportunity for young participants to increase their knowledge about the risks of problem gambling, build skills in communication, and produce useful products to educate others about problem gambling and the resources available for help.
It was such an awesome experience educating 120 youth and their advisors on the power of social media, significance of internet marketing, and how to use these marketing platforms to promote their media campaigns. I was so impressed with the creativity these talented individuals dedicated to their BOOF projects. I learned so much from their impactful messages and I’m extremely proud of their hard work and determination. It’s an honor to have worked alongside such committed young people.
I’d like to send a huge thank you to Visalia Rawhide, Brandman University Visalia Campus, 210 Café, and Timothy J. Donahue Attorney at Law for their generous donations; they were a big hit with the youth. I’d also like to thank BOOF and their sponsors for inviting me to share this incredible experience with them at “The Happiest Place on Earth.”
Editor’s Note: Angel Soria is an Internet Marketing Consultant, entrepreneur, columnist and sponsor for the Tulare Kings Hispanic Times, social author for www.SaltyWaffle.com, and currently obtaining her Executive MBA at Fresno State. If you are business owner and you qualify to work with Angel, with her help you will dominate your market in 6 months or she will do your marketing for FREE until you do. Visit www.facebook.com/AngelSoriaInternetMarketing for more information and follow her @talk2angelsoria.