Nicole Donnelly, Social media marketing workshop, salty waffle, social media management, social media automation

Social Media Marketing LIVE Workshop

Social Media Marketing, SEO, and Fun at Spring’s Marketing Workshop

On Saturday, October 14th, we had an amazing Social Media Marketing Workshop at Spring, where we covered the latest in:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Marketing Automation with Salty Waffle
  • Online marketing tools
  • Personal SEO
  • Location-based content
  • Keyword Strategy
  • Tips and tricks to boost your rankings

And as a former professional snowboarder, fun is part of my personal mission! At Spring, you will learn a lot AND you will have fun!

Kurt Pichler, Compulsive Entrepreneur and Acroyoga expert, helped to facilitate this fun, as participants got to fly high and create unique pics to share. No matter what business you are in it’s important to keep your feeds interesting!

Lyndon Chiang Spring Social Media Workshop

Yes, that is our marketing manager, Lyndon Chiang “flying” on ONE foot and yes there are 2 dogs in that pic too. We are humans and it’s our humanity that connects us and makes us want to share with one another. What’s the last “interesting” post that you created? Please tag Spring and share!

Brooke Yantzi Dance Pl3y Spring

After a lunch Brooke Yantzi had us moving, laughing, high-fiving, and smiling. (a lot)

If you missed this one, check out what you’ll learn at our next Marketing Workshop!

Please come and join the fun at Spring!

Socially yours,

Nicole A. Donnelly

Spring, CMO