App of the Week
Ever found yourself listening to a song in the car and wished you knew the name of the song? SHAZAM! There’s an app for that. Shazam lets your phone do the listening so you don’t have to. No need for a Jeopardy calibre knowledge base to stay relevant with music. Hear a catchy tune and load up the App!
If you touch the center button Shazam will listen for your song and promptly tell you what you were listening to. In my case, my friend was listening to Jason Mraz on Youtube.
Sure enough Shazam gives me the title of song, the artist and lets me comment, share the song, listen or even purchase it on itunes.
I can watch Jason Mraz videos on YouTube, find the lyrics, get information on the artist or find out if there’s a tour passing by my area so I can catch a show.
I’m by no means up to date on the top 40 hits but at least with Shazam i’ll be able to stay on top of the songs that I do enjoy. My music library will be out of the fray in no time!
The advertisements are a little annoying, but i’ve learned to tune those out. Little pun. There’s also a paid version without the ads for those of you with deep pockets or some change to spend. Either way Shazam is pretty handy app to keep the music rocking.
This week’s app of the week: Shazam