Cafe 210 Launches Their New Website
Café 210 in Downtown Visalia, is excited to announce the launch of their new website: Feel free to check it out and see all the awesome things they have featured on their site.
- Sign up for their newsletter and get a FREE specialty drink
- Check out their Menu and Drinks
- Read Testimonials of people whose lives have been transformed at 210
- Find out about their Conference, Assembly, and Prayer rooms
- Take a look at their Events Calendar
- Make a difference by Donating thru Paypal
- Purchase Café 210 gift cards
- Read about them In The News
- Learn more about them, their staff, and contact them
- Connect with them on social media by clicking on the Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube icons
- “Like” their Facebook Fan Page and “Follow” them on Twitter directly from their website
210 has become a microcosm of our community. From mayors to students, those who have ventured through the doors have come to know 210 as a place of acceptance and peace. The story behind 210 is one of hope, faith, commitment to the community and possibilities. Sheldon Logan’s mantra represents their daily philosophy, “…don’t you know that I must be about my Father’s business?” – Luke 2:49. Logan is 210’s General Manager.
Café 210 is offered to the community because they believe God is calling them to do so and their mission is in alignment with their beliefs. “210 seeks to be a safe and welcoming place where people of all backgrounds can gather and find common ground. A place where the grace and love of God is shared and received through action and example.”
210’s customized website, Facebook, and Twitter pages were designed by Angel Soria Internet Marketing, a division of Intelligent Marketing Strategies. If you would like to receive more information on getting a website designed for your business please email
Editor’s Note: Angel Soria is an Internet Marketing Consultant, entrepreneur, sponsor for the Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber, social author for, and currently obtaining her Executive MBA at Fresno State. If you are business owner and you qualify to work with Angel, with her help you will dominate your market in 6 months or she will do your marketing for FREE until you do. Visit for more information and follow her @talk2angelsoria.