New School Work Environment

Yes this is my living room! Matt and I are editing and discussing a Salty future. We usually work in different locations and a host of solutions keep us connected. On a daily basis we use google docs, google analytics, Asana, Skype, and the good old fashioned iPhone and the apps for the above. I…

HootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 1

The beauty of having an online business is the ability to manage it remotely with the help of HootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 1 (this is a 2 series post – stay tuned for Part 2 next week). As an internet marketing consultant I’m often asked how I keep my presence active on social networks when…

Benefits of Doing Business Online

Bonjour!  I’m in Europe studying abroad with my MBA program, having a blast, and want to share with you some benefits of doing business online.  Having an online business I’m able to stay connected with my family, clients, hot prospects, and business partners via the internet and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and…

3 Top Notch Social Media Dashboards

Trying to track all that great social media data? Yup! It has to be done if you want to be really successful with your social efforts. We’ve tried quite a few and talked with others about their experience and have narrowed it down to 3 full service tracking platforms with a focus on social media….

The Significance Of An Opt-In Box

Any local business owner can use the Internet to get more customers, clients, or patients immediately.  If you haven’t already done so go to your website and Facebook Fan Page, (hopefully you have both), and get what’s called an opt-in form or opt-in box.  When someone comes to your website or fan page there should…

Why You Need An Effective Facebook Fan Page

As a business professional you need to realize marketing is the lifeblood of your business.  Facebook Fan Pages are an efficient way to promote a business, brand, product, or service and the best part is they’re FREE!  In order to compete today you need to have a strong, professional social media presence and pages give…

Hottest Social Media Trends of 2012

The hottest social media players on deck have moved into the batter’s box and are coming out swinging in 2012!  Over the next twelve months, keep your eyes open for this year’s Hottest Social Media Trends: 1.    New Buzz Words – as the ever-expanding online community grows, so does the vocabulary!  Put down “Social Media…

10 Infinite Marketing Principles

The first thing to remember is marketing starts with the right market, the right message, using the right media, and each of these components depend on each other.  If you have the wrong message, it won’t matter what media it’s on or what market you’re speaking to.  If you have the wrong media, your market…