What Can’t You Live Without? The Numbers That Tell Your Tale

We have talked a few times about resolutions being that it is a pretty fresh year still and today’s post might just be the most important one if you have some serious goals. Everyone has verying goals or resolutions, but a common trait amongst those with a vision: Numbers. What numbers do you need to…

15 Stages of Online Presence Evolution Through Social Media, Part III

Parts 1 and 2 have taken us through the first 8 stages of evolution of the online presence through social media and now its time for part 3. This will take us to stage 12 and we’ll only be one post away from from the last three stages. Catch up with the first two parts…

The 6 Stages of Twitter Evolution

I saw this great post by Robert Swanwick, aka Swan, @spkrinteractive, @swanwick, or @twchat (definitely check him out, he has some great stuff)  about the stages people go through as they find Twitter and begin to use it. The stages were great, but we tweaked a few based on what we see happening in our social media…

Social media made simple.

Salty Waffle will leverage social media for your business to generate more leads, sales, and press. We manage and measure it all with a dashboard built for you. Hire our consultants, take our classes, or learn online right here. We start where you stop. Spending alot money on adwords? We are your Dynamic SEO pros! Expand your virtual footprint…

The Top 10 Productivity Apps for Business Professionals

Since today’s first post was all about how unproductive Monday’s and email can make us, we decided to try and cheer you up a little and show you some mobile goodies for increasing productivity. The descriptions and this top ten list are courtesy of developmentnow, one of our good friends out there in the blogoshpere. Take…

We’re Faster Than You At Texting, Thanks To Another Great Local Company: Swype!

If I told you there was one man that has touched over 3 billion phones and has set himself up to touch every single one from here on out, would you believe me? Probably not, but it is the true story of Cliff Kushler. I learned about him when I saw a commercial advertising a…