Social Media Vocabulary: Measure Your Social Influence

It’s no secret that search is going is social. Influence in social media is already a part of what drives page ranking at Google and Bing. We’ve written about different ways to measure your own influence in social media on a few occasions, but things change fast. There are more great tools out there than…

43% Of Facebook Users Will Unlike You For Doing This One Thing…

We live in a world surrounded by ads, that’s clear. With more methods of advertising, come more ways we learn to block them out. We are numb to many types of push marketing techniques, those types of ads and campaigns that saturate and annoy. Thankfully, we also live in a world where social media offers…

Why You Need An Effective Facebook Fan Page

As a business professional you need to realize marketing is the lifeblood of your business.  Facebook Fan Pages are an efficient way to promote a business, brand, product, or service and the best part is they’re FREE!  In order to compete today you need to have a strong, professional social media presence and pages give…

Hottest Social Media Trends of 2012

The hottest social media players on deck have moved into the batter’s box and are coming out swinging in 2012!  Over the next twelve months, keep your eyes open for this year’s Hottest Social Media Trends: 1.    New Buzz Words – as the ever-expanding online community grows, so does the vocabulary!  Put down “Social Media…

Social Media Vocabulary: 7 Types of Cyber Criminals

Another great post from Kelly Batke at Faronics here on the 7 major types of cyber criminals. Check these out and watch out for them as you peruse social networks and shop online this holiday season. Remember when cyber criminals were computer geeks trying to crash computers from their mothers’ basements?  Well they’ve evolved. Malware…

10 Infinite Marketing Principles

The first thing to remember is marketing starts with the right market, the right message, using the right media, and each of these components depend on each other.  If you have the wrong message, it won’t matter what media it’s on or what market you’re speaking to.  If you have the wrong media, your market…

Get An Immediate Tax Deduction And More Clients For Your Business Simultaneously!

What kind of year is 2012 going to be for you?  You can either do what you’ve always done, hope things get better, and keep getting what you’re getting (good luck).  Or, you can take action, and MAKE things better by acquiring the tools and advice that will help you skyrocket your results and transform…