Video: Getting A Job With Social Media

Meet the VideoJug sock puppet and take a quick journey with him as he takes us through a great How To video on finding a job using social media. It’s a great quick look for some quick things you can do to make your profiles look a little better and start identifying jobs you would…

2 Reasons Google Plus Is Beating And Will Beat Facebook Long Term

Last week we wrote about how to go about getting a Google Plus page for your business. If you weren’t convinced to get one, check this out. You have to get one!   1.  Google Plus doesn’t need Facebook type member numbers to win right now, not even close. Why? Your network dictates a huge…

Google Plus Pages For Businesses, Hop On!

Just recently, Google Plus added a place for businesses to create pages. Now, just like on Facebook and LinkedIn, there is a dedicated place to add a company page and connect with your fans and community. The process is simpler than pages on any of the other major networks, but we found it to be…

3 Tips To Make Your Business Look Bigger And More Professional

Many thanks to thinkspace for these awesome business tips! Entrepreneurs are passionate about their startups. Many are so eager to get started with their newest, greatest business idea that they rush out to get their licensing from their city and state, then sprint to press the “Go Button.” In reality, it really shouldn’t take too long to…