Get the Skinny on Perks at Top Social Network Companies

Peeps who work at tech companies get a lot of hype so let’s get the skinny on perks at top social network companies.  LinkedIn was one of the most successful initial public offerings of 2011, and has since been one of the most transparent and open workplaces in technology.  Employees are able to jam out…

Why Google Bought the Social Media Marketing Platform Wildfire

In an effort to increase its presence in the social media world, internet giant Google just bought the social media marketing platform Wildfire.  In case you haven’t heard of Wildfire until now, it is a company that lets brands run marketing and ad campaigns on social networking sites, including Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, and…

MBA Summer Abroad with CSU Fresno

I recently returned from the most educational 3 weeks in Europe with the MBA Summer Abroad Program at CSU Fresno.  The purpose of the program is to provide students with an opportunity to gain valuable international experience while simultaneously working towards their graduate degree in a foreign country.  Every expectation I had of my time…

HootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 2

Welcome back toHootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 2.  In this post I will show you how to compose, send and schedule a message on the most amazing social media management tool out there. Composing and sending messages allows you to create custom content for you to share with your selected social networks and is the number one…

New School Work Environment

Yes this is my living room! Matt and I are editing and discussing a Salty future. We usually work in different locations and a host of solutions keep us connected. On a daily basis we use google docs, google analytics, Asana, Skype, and the good old fashioned iPhone and the apps for the above. I…

HootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 1

The beauty of having an online business is the ability to manage it remotely with the help of HootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 1 (this is a 2 series post – stay tuned for Part 2 next week). As an internet marketing consultant I’m often asked how I keep my presence active on social networks when…

2012 Betting On Our Future Spotlight Festival

I’m happy to share with all of you last month’s column in the Tulare Kings Hispanic Times gave me an opportunity to be a keynote speaker, workshop presenter, and judge at the 2012 Betting on Our Future (BOOF) Spotlight Festival.  The Program Analyst for California Friday Night Live Partnership read my article and next thing…