What Does It Really Mean To ‘Do Social Media’?

“Social media tests the filter that divides inner monologue from disclosure. As our thoughts become words online, they color our avatars and profiles with a glimpse of our personality – who we are online and in the real world. Over time, it is how we put our words into action that establishes our character. And,…

Social Media + Personality = Job Offers

Last night Salty Waffle went to a great LinkedIn Seattle meet up, if you were there it was awesome to meet you! Nicole spoke about social media and one of the things many people learned from it was that social can actually help you find a job! Savvy businesses check out everything you have online…

Teaser: Social Media Resume And Recruiting

If a potential employer searched for you online what would they find? Would it help you get a job, or hurt your chances? Social media touches nearly every part of our modern lives. Getting a job is no different; in fact over 80% of employers use a social media site somewhere in their recruiting process….

A Google+ Party, On Us [Want A Google+ Invite? We Have 150!]

That’s right, Google has made it really easy to share Google+ invites and that has inspired us to share with all of you! To get your invite just follow the Salty Waffle logo below and get in on Google+. Afterward, check out these fascinating articles about the web’s hottest new social network: Google+ could pass…

Want A Really Awesome Job?

This is a guest post from our friends over at thinkspace, great stuff! . Many people that dream of eventually owning their own business consider getting a job with a startup business. Working for a start up can offer “pre-entrepreneurs” a lot of value. Employees of startups are able to see just how hard it…

Social Media Vocabulary: Twitter..cabulary?

We had a social media vocabulary a while back with all Twitter words and well, there are a lot more you might wanna know so we’re doing it again with 5 more! Twitterati: The so-called Twitter elite. Those Twitter celebrities whose tweets go out to the hundreds of thousands and regularly make the evening news…