Social Media Sites Drive Traffic, And They’re Free

It may not be a huge surprise that Facebook and Twitter are the social media sites responsible for driving a majority of traffic to blogs, but it’s astounding just how dominant they are in the space. Every year, Technorati does their State of the Blogosphere study which surveys thousands of bloggers. Trends since even last year are…

Look Like a Rockstar

By Nicole Donnelly, EO EMP MIT Class of 2011 for Bottom Line Up Enterprises After I sold my business, BabyLegs, many opportunities came across my desk. What is a viable deal and what should I just let go? How do I thoroughly assess the opportunities? Rich and Mary sat down with me and helped me to think through…

5 Reasons People Act Weird Online

PsyBlog has a taken a series of studies and nailed down some reasons people are generally less inclined to follow social conventions when online versus in person. 1. Anonymity: Being online offers the opportunity to be relatively anonymous if you want to be. When people feel that they can’t be identified, they are more likely…

Starting Your Resume For A New World: LinkedIn

At Salty Waffle, we’ve been working on some brand new social media classes and the newest set is all about the ‘Social Resume’. We’re teaching all about tools to build your online resume for a world where paper resumes are dying. Since LinkedIn is such a huge part of recruiting, (80% of companies use it…

5 Things You Can Do On Facebook You Would Have Paid a Private Eye for 10 Years Ago

You know the person, the ‘Facebook Stalker’. The guy or gal that hunts around Facebook way past the boundaries of their own wall and feed looking for information on one of the more than 500 million individuals inhabiting the site. Maybe an ex, maybe someone you just met, someone from high-school, or maybe just a…