Ending World Hunger With A Grilled Cheese And A Side Of Social Media

So not only does it seem logical that a Salty Waffle would be friends with a tasty grilled cheese sandwich, but the people behind all the cheesy goodness have a love for entrepreneurship and social media too. FeelGood World is an organization that started at the University of Texas with the simple idea of taking…

5 Apps That’ll Make your Life Easier this Holiday:

We know the App Store and especially the Android market can be overwhelming places so we looked around for the best apps for a stress-free holiday season and one of our good friends at Group SJR sent us this one. Whether you spend the holidays cooking, shopping, or socializing, this list should make your quickly approaching (I…

Guest Post: 5 Mobile Web Mistakes To Avoid!

Despite it’s recent popularity, the mobile web is still in its infancy, technologically speaking.  But that doesn’t mean it’s too early to start talking about how brands and businesses can improve their mobile marketing strategies and start engaging users on the small screen. For businesses that need a little help managing the market and distinguishing…

Social Media Class at Seattle Central: Social Author Basics

Here’s the Social Author Prezi from Social Media Marketing at Seattle Central. Social Authoring differs from traditional authoring because it needs to be in the authentic voice of the brand and include key words. It’s a true art to write well for the web. Salty Waffle Social Author SEO Basics on Prezi

The BCS Is Terrible, Weird Cats, Ochocinco, Rubber Stamps, Vegan Waffles, And The Thing That Powers All Of Social Media

During my usual procrastination circuit of TechCrunch, Woot, ESPN, and Facebook I noticed two things. Well, three, first that I wasn’t getting anything done, two, that Oklahoma is somehow number one in the BCS standings, and three, sports owns social media on the weekends. Scrolling through my Facebook feed, every other post was about the…

The Top 10 Productivity Apps for Business Professionals

Since today’s first post was all about how unproductive Monday’s and email can make us, we decided to try and cheer you up a little and show you some mobile goodies for increasing productivity. The descriptions and this top ten list are courtesy of developmentnow, one of our good friends out there in the blogoshpere. Take…