3 Tips To Make Your Business Look Bigger And More Professional

Many thanks to thinkspace for these awesome business tips! Entrepreneurs are passionate about their startups. Many are so eager to get started with their newest, greatest business idea that they rush out to get their licensing from their city and state, then sprint to press the “Go Button.” In reality, it really shouldn’t take too long to…

Social Media Vocabulary: Twitter #hashtag Edition

Twitter has not only given us a slough of new Twitter-based words, it also adds to the growing world of new social media vocabulary with the hashtags that grow out of the network. These are 5 of the most popular trends from 2010 mixed with a couple of our personal favorites. If you’re tweeting, it might…

Guest Post: 4 Tips To Hiring An Intern

If you’re looking for an intern, check out these great tips from our friends over at thinkspace! Over the weekend, I blogged about why small business owners should consider hiring an intern. Here are a few more suggestions and resources for developing a successful internship program: Figure out what type of internship you want to create. It’s important…

Social And SEO, You Can’t Have One Without The Other

These days, you can’t have an SEO strategy that doesn’t have social media at the core, not a good one at least. The two are merging. Dynamic SEO is king and the social search movement is tying search to your social network so tightly, not a single person will have the same results. This graphic is a…

Non-Profits And Social Media [Infographic]

If there were ever organizations on a tight budget, non-profits are it. They need to do as much good on the least amount of money. That’s why a good social media strategy is so fitting for many of them. Take a look at how some big name non-profits are doing with social media. Social truly…

3 Twitter Do’s and 3 Twitter Don’ts

When it comes to Twitter, there is some etiquette involved. At Salty Waffle we’re all about passing on the social media knowledge we’ve come by, so here are three things you should do on Twitter, and three things you probably shouldn’t. If you are interested in learning more about social media etiquette and best practices, try out one of…

Social Media Certification

Google it and see how many credible looking pages you find. How many actual schools have a program listed? How many universities even have a single class offered on social media? A seminar even? If your search was anything like mine, it was filled with junk. Links and ads that make hard to tell which…