3 Quick Tools For Plugging Up Privacy Leaks In The New Facebook

It seems like every time they make a change to how Facebook looks and feels, there is a little bit of public image damage control to be done. With all the recent changes in the last ‘upgrade’, this time around is no exception. Here are 3 tools you can use to figure out just what everyone can…

A Rosy Future For Entrepreneurs? [Infographic]

Are things looking rosy for start-ups and small businesses? The Grasshopper group has put together an  interesting look at the business landscape and how entrepreneurs are feeling about the economy in the coming year. Almost 40% of businesses in the U.S. plan to add staff in the next year! Are you feeling as optimistic as those surveyed?

Build Your Own Android Or iPhone App On Your Lunch Break

Scratch that, make it build your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Chrome, Safari, IE, Firefox, even iPad or regular web app in record time. At Salty Waffle, we’ve always had getting an app together on the list of things to do. Well, I finally scratched it off the to-do list when I discovered Conduit Mobile. Conduit…

The 3 Keys To Making Groupon Work For You (And Not Destroy You)

Our friends at Synotac have put up another post in their series on group deal sites and this one is just fantastic. Cameron talks about planning and considerations that should take place before you dive into a  deal situation. If you’re thinking about a group deal, definitely check out this post and the rest of…