Email: 34% of Sharing on the Web

In recent years Facebook has become the king of spreading content, being responsible for about 45% of the spread of content across the web. The second in command may surprise you, though. That’s right, remember that hot new thing of the nineties? The trendy, movie inducing, yahoo-making, ‘instant sharing’, thing that used to be the…

Is Your Social Working? [Infographic]

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with social media is not tracking your efforts. Though about 80% of companies surveyed said they do social, only 40% of those said they tracked their efforts. We’ve talked about tools for doing this before, but Flowtown has another great infographic here about the state of ‘Social…

Shopping? Shopkick Takes Things To A Whole New Level

Well, it’s already Labor Day again if you can believe that and we figured a lot of you might be out there shopping today. If you are, check out Shopkick and then be sure to go crazy with your smartphones on barcodes and check-ins. Get those deals people! Anyway, The Minority Report-like future of advertisement we can all imagine…

Social Network Use Up Across All Age Groups [Infographic]

This is one of the best social media infographics we have ever had on Salty Waffle. Take a look at the growth rate of users of social media, break down of individual networks, and how companies have shifted to start using blogging and social media sites in their marketing efforts. 86% of people 18-29 years…

Measuring Social Influence: Klout

A while back we wrote about how Bing and Google were making the way people share information on the social web an important part of search rankings and page results. You can’t have great SEO without a good social strategy. Social is SEO and SEO is social. This is why it is so important to…

Make Marketing Fun Again

“Social Media makes marketing fun again!” exclaimed Kelly Batke, (the brunette) and Communications Manager at Faronics Vancouver, BC. Wow Kelly, we can’t agree more! Take a Salty Waffle social media class and learn how you can make marketing fun too!

The 7 Highly Effective Facebook Habits

You have probably heard of Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Habits, but did you know there are also 7 Highly Effective Habits for Facebook Success? PsyBlog has a great post that cites different social media studies to determine how to make yourself into the best (or best looking) Facebooker you can…