HootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 1

The beauty of having an online business is the ability to manage it remotely with the help of HootSuite Social Media Dashboard: Part 1 (this is a 2 series post – stay tuned for Part 2 next week). As an internet marketing consultant I’m often asked how I keep my presence active on social networks when…

2012 Betting On Our Future Spotlight Festival

I’m happy to share with all of you last month’s column in the Tulare Kings Hispanic Times gave me an opportunity to be a keynote speaker, workshop presenter, and judge at the 2012 Betting on Our Future (BOOF) Spotlight Festival.  The Program Analyst for California Friday Night Live Partnership read my article and next thing…

Benefits of Doing Business Online

Bonjour!  I’m in Europe studying abroad with my MBA program, having a blast, and want to share with you some benefits of doing business online.  Having an online business I’m able to stay connected with my family, clients, hot prospects, and business partners via the internet and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and…

Facebook’s New Edit Feature

Have you used Facebook’s new edit feature yet?  The social network launched this feature two days ago and it allows you to edit your comments and auto-corrected type-o’s.  I’m certain we’ve all had our share of comments we’d like to change and end up deleting the post because of it.  Now you can edit your…

Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber Welcomes New Sponsor Angel Soria Internet Marketing

The Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is happy to announce they will be working with Angel Soria Internet Marketing – a local internet marketing consultant in connection with Intelligent Marketing Strategies of Boston, Massachusetts – to revamp their website, social media, and online marketing campaigns to improve their visibility within Tulare and King Counties. …

Visalia Rawhide Baseball

If you’re hosting an office outing, celebrating a birthday, have a big party to plan, or just want a few friends to get together Visalia Rawhide Baseball is the place to be.  A few seasons ago the recreation ballpark received extensive renovations and has quickly become the premier entertainment and hospitality venue and community gathering…