Osama Top 10: The Comprehensive Guide To The Social Media Swirl Before, During, and After Bin Laden’s Death

If you haven’t heard that Osama bin Laden is dead, you must be living under a rock (No pun intended). When news first broke about Osama, it didn’t happen on any major news network. Twitter beat everyone to it, in fact, the events of Osama’s death were live tweeted by a guy chilling in the…

Eventbrite Is In Touch With Its Social Side

If the crazy Twitter storm set off by the VMA’s didn’t prove events are a major driver of social media, Eventbrite’s newest layer of social integration should say something. As we prepare for the Crunchies tonight, Eventbrite is right at the middle of it, managing the tickets and providing social integration and even directions! Eventbrite was…

Live At The Crunchies!

Were posting live from the Crunchies. Were standing in line next to the creators of swype, the reason I can type this so fast on my droid, and I took a pee with one of the creators of angry birds. Were off to a great start and rolling VIP thanks to Techcrunch so it should…

I’m here to recruit YOU!

We are looking for amazing members to our stellar team. No social media experience necessary. An exclusive social media training session for accepted applicants only will be held on Saturday Dec. 11th 9am-5pm in Seattle. You do not have to live in Seattle to attend, streaming video will be available to those selected. You MUST be super…

Social media made simple.

Salty Waffle will leverage social media for your business to generate more leads, sales, and press. We manage and measure it all with a dashboard built for you. Hire our consultants, take our classes, or learn online right here. We start where you stop. Spending alot money on adwords? We are your Dynamic SEO pros! Expand your virtual footprint…

Social Media Vocabulary: A Splog Isn’t A Type Of Monster…Technically

Social media seems to be creating stranger and stranger words. This Tuesday’s edition of Salty Waffle’s social media vocabulary has five new words as usual, but a couple of them might conjure images of monsters rather than elements of social media. Halloween must still be in the air… 1. Splog: is short for spam blog….

Events Drive Social Media: The VMA Twitter Storm Spectacular

This past Sunday, MTV’s Video Music Awards were at the center of the twitterverse (Twitter universe). If you watched, you no doubt noticed how many times they would check the tweets related to the event. They tracked tweets for artists and then encouraged the audience and viewers to keep tweeting. As of Monday night, there…

Gone in .06 Seconds: A Marketing and SEO Oversight That Hurt

Nicolas Cage may be able to steal six figure valued cars in less than 60 seconds, but here is how failing to keep up on your presence in social media, Google, and the press could cost you say, $50,000 every .06 seconds. A recent experience in my hunt for housing last month reminded me of…

BlogHer 2010 NYC: Social Media in Action

Last week the largest gathering of Bloggers in the world happened in NYC. 99% of attendees are women! Ladies tend to travel in groups and that is why they have such a major impact in the world of purchasing and press online. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyhyz-zOpac[/youtube] Bloggers were named the new “Media”. We are the journalists of our…