social media vocabulary 2019

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: New Vocab for 2019

Welcome back to another edition of Salty Social Media Vocabulary, where we cover all things social media, CX, and everything around and in between. Because we’ve recently covered social media strategies, including proactive and listening strategies, we thought it prudent to also cover some phrases and abbreviations that may help you along the way. We’ve chosen a…

exceptional cx

Building Blocks: a Foundation for Exceptional CX

Fundamentally good CX can simply be defined as adequately understanding how your customers interact with your brand, thereby anticipating your customers needs. Companies like Amazon and Apple think of CX as the frontier of branding. CX can be complicated as it is both a fluid process and an established brand strategy. Keeping that in mind,…

Customer Journey Map

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: Mapping Your Customer Journey

Welcome back to another edition of Salty Social Media Vocabulary. After a couple of weeks of Instagram hashtags, we’ve decided to bring it back to customer experience. One of our favorite tools we use with clients is a customer journey map. A customer journey map is a visual representation of every point of contact between…

social media vocabulary

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: In the News

With the increasing number of Americans who get their news online and on social media, we thought it might be a good time to touch on news and how it relates to social media. Because the exchange of information in itself is not a simple topic, we’ll also be covering some adjacent and related topics….

social media vocabulary

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: What’s in a Theme?

Welcome back to Salty Social Media Vocabulary, where we explore and define all things social media and social media marketing. As the name indicates, there’s no specific theme to this week’s social media vocabulary list, so let’s get started! Adwords: is the name for Google’s ever-popular PPC technology that targets adverts to specific keywords and…

social media vocabulary

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: ‘Thou Shalt Not’ Edition

Every Tuesday we share a few social media vocabulary words from the social media and digital marketing world. This week we’ve decided to switch things up a bit and specifically share a few phrases and ideas that brands should not use. Of course employing any of the following phrases depends heavily on your brand voice:…

cpm vs ctr vs cta vs cpc

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: Clicky-Clicky Edition

It’s Tuesday again (already?), which means it’s time to learn more social media vocabulary with us at Salty Waffle. Last week’s post was a beast, so we’ve decided to tackle some slightly less complicated (albeit equally important) concepts today. KPI: “Key Performance Indicator(s),” are the specific metrics a team plans to measure in order to…

UI vs UX

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: Industry Night  

It’s Tuesday, which of course means it’s time for another round of Salty’s Social Media Vocab. Today we’re diving into some common industry abbreviations with which many non-specialists may not be familiar. There’s a bit of overlap between many of these, making them potentially difficult to understand, but stick with us until the end and…