Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber Welcomes New Sponsor Angel Soria Internet Marketing

The Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is happy to announce they will be working with Angel Soria Internet Marketing – a local internet marketing consultant in connection with Intelligent Marketing Strategies of Boston, Massachusetts – to revamp their website, social media, and online marketing campaigns to improve their visibility within Tulare and King Counties. …

Visalia Rawhide Baseball

If you’re hosting an office outing, celebrating a birthday, have a big party to plan, or just want a few friends to get together Visalia Rawhide Baseball is the place to be.  A few seasons ago the recreation ballpark received extensive renovations and has quickly become the premier entertainment and hospitality venue and community gathering…

Awesome Facebook Timeline Cover Photos

Now that all brand pages have automatically been converted to the Timeline format, businesses should have awesome Facebook Timeline cover photos.  Simply Measured studies have reported brands are getting an average 46% more engagement with Timeline.   The new design is A LOT more visual, content discovery is becoming easier therefore creating an increase in…

Virtual Team Building Tools

Virtual team building tools are changing conventional wisdom on how to create corporate culture.  Start-up companies operating as virtual enterprises from infancy, businesses hiring remotely, and companies sending employees home to telecommute are becoming more commonplace.  The Internet has made it possible to run organizations and companies with employees scattered all over the world.  They might…

How To Attend The 2012 Miami Winter Music Conference From Home

If you’re busy growing a business and getting your MBA, or if “life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans” (John Lennon), you need to find a way to attend the 2012 Miami Winter Music Conference (WMC) from home.  Look no further my friends – all you need is Be-At.TV!      b…

NCAA March Madness Online Brackets

It’s the best time of year again for college basketball fans and this is your source for NCAA March Madness Online Brackets.  First, I want to give a HUGE shout-out to the Long Beach State Men’s Basketball Team for beating UC Santa Barbara 77-64 on Saturday night, winning the Big West Conference championship game and…

2 Things You HAVE To Do With The New Timeline Facebook Brand Pages

Really there are 3. The first one is getting the new Timeline-based look for your brand ASAP. Like the Timeline or not, it is a massive upgrade for brand pages which are notoriously plain. When that notification comes up, take the plunge and then make sure to do these 2 things right away! [Update: Activate…