Your Tweets Are Worth Ca$h

The last election popularized the idea of donating your presence in social media to a candidate. Since then, Causes and other sites have been using this practice to spread the word about various charitable campaigns. To support a particular cause, you simply allow the Facebook application to post a message on your behalf to your personal…

4 Ways To Dominate Your Industry With Google Plus

Google +’s active users are artists, musicians, reporters, and bloggers. These people, in addition to being totally awesome, are great for spreading the word about your brand. They habitually share, +1, and comment on interesting things they see. You want them to see you. Here are four ways to build relationship with them: Hashtags: Hashtags…

Getting Social with Super Bowl XLVI

Are you ready for some football?  Ready or not this year’s Super Bowl could be the most social event yet.  It may not be the ritual you’re used to but the social media buzz has gotten louder and louder for the most epic game day in America.  Twitter, Facebook and Google+ are taking advantage of social media…

Social Media Vocabulary: Google+ Edition

If you have been wandering aimlessly around Google Plus wondering what all these oddly named things are, that’s good because today’s social media vocabulary is here to help out. Here are 5 Google Plus related vocab words to get familiar with! Circles: The first thing you will notice when you start with Google+ are the circles. These…

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

The number of people who access the web on a smartphone is rapidly increasing.  Mobile users want content at their fingertips, that they can access anytime, anywhere.  Developing a mobile friendly site means creating a site that’s elastic enough to display nicely on whatever device your end user is viewing it on.  Website owners are…

The Significance Of An Opt-In Box

Any local business owner can use the Internet to get more customers, clients, or patients immediately.  If you haven’t already done so go to your website and Facebook Fan Page, (hopefully you have both), and get what’s called an opt-in form or opt-in box.  When someone comes to your website or fan page there should…