email marketing, email campaigns, teal and pink

Intro to Email and SMS: The Dynamic Duo of Modern Marketing

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses need effective ways to communicate with their customers. Email and SMS are two of the most powerful marketing channels that allow you to reach your audience directly. Both offer unique benefits and can be used together to create a robust marketing strategy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the…


Artificial Intelligence: A Magic Wand for the Modern Marketer

Welcome to the glitzy world of marketing, where creativity knows no bounds and your success hinges on staying ahead of the curve. So grab your wand modern marketer, because today we’re diving into a spellbinding topic: How companies are employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing. This is your very own Pensieve – an enchanted basin…

confused guy

Missteps in Marketing: The Absurdities of Misusing Chat GPT

1. The Autonomous Navigator: Chat GPT as Your All-Inclusive Marketing Director Consider entrusting every aspect of your business to Chat GPT. Leaving an AI to chart your marketing course, shape your branding, and manage customer interactions is comparable to permitting an automaton to conduct a symphony orchestra. Yes, it can follow the score with impeccable…

jedi master ai

How to Become a Jedi Master in AI in 10 Easy Steps

Introduction to AI Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is more than a buzzword—it’s a universe of possibilities that’s been expanding rapidly over the last decade. While the vastness of this universe might seem daunting, fear not! This article will be your Yoda, guiding you through a 10-step journey to not just mastering AI, but becoming a…

skill tree, marketing skills

What Skills Do Marketers Need To Effectively Utilize AI?

The future of marketing lies in the hands of AI, or Artificial Intelligence. But, what does this mean for marketers and their skills? It’s all about understanding how AI can augment and elevate the skills they already have. Let’s explore this further. Enhancing Marketing Skills with AI The traditional skills that marketers have developed over…

Star Trek, monitoring, social media, futuristic, ai, midjourney

AI in Social Media Monitoring

Introduction to AI in Social Media Monitoring Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increasingly become an essential tool for social media monitoring, giving marketers valuable insights into their audience and brand perception. In this article, we will explore how AI can analyze and track social media conversations, trends, and sentiment, helping businesses address customer concerns, capitalize on…

How to Use AI for Content Creation

How to Use AI for Content Creation

Introduction to AI in Content Creation and Curation Discover the growing impact of AI in content creation and curation as it reshapes the marketing landscape. In this article, we’ll explore how AI tools can streamline the content creation process, provide headline suggestions, and curate personalized content for your audience. Join us as we delve into…

social media vocabulary 2019

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: New Vocab for 2019

Welcome back to another edition of Salty Social Media Vocabulary, where we cover all things social media, CX, and everything around and in between. Because we’ve recently covered social media strategies, including proactive and listening strategies, we thought it prudent to also cover some phrases and abbreviations that may help you along the way. We’ve chosen a…