Guest Post by Bradley Bator:5 Easy Steps To Make Your Profile Picture Count

Face it, studies show humans are visual learners, so in a content-filled world of social media, an eye-catching profile picture will give you an edge. Use these 5 easy tips to stick out and take your profile pic from ordinary to extraordinary! To take a great picture: 1. Say ‘cheese’: People are more approachable when they…

Social Media ROI: Exactly How Much Is A ‘Share’ Or ‘Like’ Worth?

Ever thought about exactly how much one of your Facebook fans or Twitter followers might be worth? In terms of real dollars? Well, Chompon set out to figure just that out and came back with some interesting results: Unfortunately, these numbers don’t necessarily mean that every time someone tweets about you, it’s going to translate…

The Top 5 Ways To Get Laid Using Social Media

Sorry if that title was a little misleading, this is actually about the Top 5 dating sites and personals sites as of right now. It is interesting to see how social media is changing the way we date and especially, start relationships. I know quite a few couples that met online and I’m sure you…

How and Why: You Probably Want To Get Going On Google +1

SEO and social media are getting more and more friendly with each other every day. The fact is, Google and the other search engines recognize that information about link sharing along on social networks is just too valuable to pass up and they have to start putting it to use to make search even better….

Social Media Vocabulary: Top 5 Social Media Blogs In 2011

When it comes to social media vocabulary and the conversations surrounding it, a lot of what is included are mentions about various blogs and sites that so many get their information from. These are the top 5 social media and SEO blogs out there right now. Rankings were done by Cision and were based on…

5 Tips For Saving Time On Twitter

If you have been trying to build up your Twitter skills and enhance your social media strategy with your tweeting and following, we have some tips that will help save you some time. Many thanks to Leyl Black for inspiration on this awesome list. Follow Other’s Lists: Chances are, there is a comprehensive list of people…

Aliens Real: FBI, Facebook Confirm

The famous Roswell incident has always been the story believers in flying saucers and alien life point to as some kind of proof. Conspiracy theories and rumors about a supposed crash landing of alien ships in New Mexico and the shrouded nature of Area 51 leave many wondering if something extraterrestrial did happen all those…

Social Media Vocabulary: OMG, WTF Does That Mean Edition

Chatting, texting, status updates, IM’s, and all the text based communication we do has given us, for better or worse, a slough of interesting acronyms. Below are some of the most popular ones being used on social networks, in tweets, and various places on the web. We want to make sure you know what all of…

Sleep Texting: Revealing Messages or Just Babble?

It looks like we’re just not getting enough time to text during the day because our brains have turned to texting in our sleep to get it’s fill. Initial skepticism turned to curiosity when a friend told me she has texted in her sleep multiple times. She woke up to find messages she didn’t remember sending and…

The Dark Side of Social Media, Jealousy

We know Facebook stalking is just a fact of life these days, but is this social media espionage actually bad for you? Research published by CyberPsychology and Behaviors says yes.  If you have a tendency to be jealous, monitoring your lover or ex-lover on Facebook can make you more so. The case looked at the jealousy levels…