The Other Networks Part II: LinkedIn

The first stop on the Salty Waffle tour of the ‘other networks’, as were calling them is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the fourth largest social network in the United States after Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. Compared to most social networks, LinkedIn has a very business oriented feel and the profiles are simplistic and styled more like…

California Love: Taking Social Media on the Road

As you may know if you have seen my Facebook page lately, I am off with a few friends on a long-anticipated journey we vowed to make this summer. Technically I am not working this week, but this is one of those jobs where it doesn’t really feel like work and the inspiration to write…

BlogHer 2010 NYC: Social Media in Action

Last week the largest gathering of Bloggers in the world happened in NYC. 99% of attendees are women! Ladies tend to travel in groups and that is why they have such a major impact in the world of purchasing and press online. [youtube][/youtube] Bloggers were named the new “Media”. We are the journalists of our…