Benefits of Doing Business Online

Bonjour!  I’m in Europe studying abroad with my MBA program, having a blast, and want to share with you some benefits of doing business online.  Having an online business I’m able to stay connected with my family, clients, hot prospects, and business partners via the internet and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and…

YouTube Joins Pinterest

YouTube has opened up an account on Pinterest and plans to post videos daily on its boards. These videos will range on topics from crafts, lifestyle tips, beauty, food and fitness. On Thursday’s blog post, YouTube has admitted that they already have an account with the other big social networks: Facebook, Google +, and Twitter. Pinterest…

Facebook’s New Edit Feature

Have you used Facebook’s new edit feature yet?  The social network launched this feature two days ago and it allows you to edit your comments and auto-corrected type-o’s.  I’m certain we’ve all had our share of comments we’d like to change and end up deleting the post because of it.  Now you can edit your…

10 Awesome Social Networks That You Don’t Know About Part One

Are you overwhelmed by the spam and junk that clutters your newsfeed on Facebook? Are you sick and tired of the tweets people post every five seconds? And Google + not what you thought it was? Well if any of these are true for you, then here are 5 really cool niche networks that you…

Why Pinterest? Explosive Stats Part Two

Continuing from last time, Pinterest is the third largest social networking site and here are more amazing statistics so get ready to be amazed! According to Tamba, the average Pinterest user spends 14.2 minutes per visit. In addition, the average user spends 98 minutes per month on the site, compared to 2.5 hours on Tumblr,…

Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber Welcomes New Sponsor Angel Soria Internet Marketing

The Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is happy to announce they will be working with Angel Soria Internet Marketing – a local internet marketing consultant in connection with Intelligent Marketing Strategies of Boston, Massachusetts – to revamp their website, social media, and online marketing campaigns to improve their visibility within Tulare and King Counties. …

Citing A Tweet

In written academic work, citing sources is standard practice and citing a tweet is no different.  The Modern Language Association (MLA) has devised a standard format to cite a tweet that’s super simple and no URL is required. Here’s a step-by-step process (courtesy of the MLA) that better explains how to cite a tweet: I hope…

Awesome Facebook Timeline Cover Photos

Now that all brand pages have automatically been converted to the Timeline format, businesses should have awesome Facebook Timeline cover photos.  Simply Measured studies have reported brands are getting an average 46% more engagement with Timeline.   The new design is A LOT more visual, content discovery is becoming easier therefore creating an increase in…

Virtual Team Building Tools

Virtual team building tools are changing conventional wisdom on how to create corporate culture.  Start-up companies operating as virtual enterprises from infancy, businesses hiring remotely, and companies sending employees home to telecommute are becoming more commonplace.  The Internet has made it possible to run organizations and companies with employees scattered all over the world.  They might…