Social Media And Law: Where Do We Go From Here? #Infographic

For as comfortable as many people are using social networks, clicking the ‘I Agree’ button flippantly, and uploading content of all different kinds, it is always good to have a reminder of the how new this stuff really is and how much lawyering has gone on behind the scenes to make it all possible. Organizations are still…

The Significance Of An Opt-In Box

Any local business owner can use the Internet to get more customers, clients, or patients immediately.  If you haven’t already done so go to your website and Facebook Fan Page, (hopefully you have both), and get what’s called an opt-in form or opt-in box.  When someone comes to your website or fan page there should…

Is Social Media Good For America? #Infographic

This is an interesting look at how social media has affected youth as far as democracy and many of the elements of the First Amendment goes. It looks like students who regularly use social media are more appreciative of how far the First goes to protect our rights. This is an interesting study on democracy…

Social Media Vocabulary: Measure Your Social Influence

It’s no secret that search is going is social. Influence in social media is already a part of what drives page ranking at Google and Bing. We’ve written about different ways to measure your own influence in social media on a few occasions, but things change fast. There are more great tools out there than…

Why You Need An Effective Facebook Fan Page

As a business professional you need to realize marketing is the lifeblood of your business.  Facebook Fan Pages are an efficient way to promote a business, brand, product, or service and the best part is they’re FREE!  In order to compete today you need to have a strong, professional social media presence and pages give…

Hottest Social Media Trends of 2012

The hottest social media players on deck have moved into the batter’s box and are coming out swinging in 2012!  Over the next twelve months, keep your eyes open for this year’s Hottest Social Media Trends: 1.    New Buzz Words – as the ever-expanding online community grows, so does the vocabulary!  Put down “Social Media…

The Business Of Social Media [Infographic]

74% of consumers rely on social networks to help guide purchase decisions. Wow. If you ever doubted whether all that Facebook and Twitter work was worth, 3/4 of the population just said yes, we use it to decide whether or not we’re buying your product. That was just one of the great statistics in this…

Trick: Share Any Facebook Photo With Anyone

Ever run into the problem of sharing pictures from your Facebook with someone not on Facebook? (Yeah, there are still people who don’t have one) Or better yet, wanted to share a friend’s photo with a person who isn’t friends with them? Well, here’s how to do both. The Non-Facebooker: To share one of your…

Make Marketing Fun Again

“Social Media makes marketing fun again!” exclaimed Kelly Batke, (the brunette) and Communications Manager at Faronics Vancouver, BC. Wow Kelly, we can’t agree more! Take a Salty Waffle social media class and learn how you can make marketing fun too!