Social Media Vocabulary: Pandora Edition

Well, its Tuesday, it’s time for social media vocabulary with Salty Waffle and since I’m going to go see the Avatar exhibit at the EMP, this social media vocabulary article is taking a trip to Pandora too! 1. Avatar: Not exactly like in the movie, but sort of. An avatar is a name or image that represents…

Social Media Sites Drive Traffic, And They’re Free

It may not be a huge surprise that Facebook and Twitter are the social media sites responsible for driving a majority of traffic to blogs, but it’s astounding just how dominant they are in the space. Every year, Technorati does their State of the Blogosphere study which surveys thousands of bloggers. Trends since even last year are…

5 Reasons People Act Weird Online

PsyBlog has a taken a series of studies and nailed down some reasons people are generally less inclined to follow social conventions when online versus in person. 1. Anonymity: Being online offers the opportunity to be relatively anonymous if you want to be. When people feel that they can’t be identified, they are more likely…

Social Media Vocabulary: #SM Diseases and Disorders Part II

Social media can sure be fun, but sometimes we can run into problems, especially when it comes to those nasty diseases and disorders. We warned you about a few before, but here are 5 more to watch out for! Social Media Anxiety: Stemming from a fear of being judged or being foolish, a person suffering from social…

Osama Top 10: The Comprehensive Guide To The Social Media Swirl Before, During, and After Bin Laden’s Death

If you haven’t heard that Osama bin Laden is dead, you must be living under a rock (No pun intended). When news first broke about Osama, it didn’t happen on any major news network. Twitter beat everyone to it, in fact, the events of Osama’s death were live tweeted by a guy chilling in the…

10 Social Media Facts: Socialnomics

Ever since I watched their first video, I have loved Socialnomics way of putting social media into perspective. Today we have another video from them and some more awesome social media facts and stats. Sit back and enjoy! Adults spend over 15 hours a week online Broadband access is 55%, it will be 90% in…

Social Butterfly: All About My Recent 5 Way

Let’s be honest, one-on-one is great, but who hasn’t thought about the college threesome or even an office foursome? I mean, get out your webcam right? OK, OK! Sorry, before this gets too much farther and I get into trouble, what I’m really talking about does involve multiple people and a webcam, but our activities…

Creativity: Bring a Little of ‘The Office’ to Work With You

Sadly, Steve Carell’s time on the ‘The Office’ is running out. Michael has to be one of the great TV characters of all time. Like a good boss, Michael makes his office work, albeit in a very unconventional way. They waste a ton of time in the conference room with pointless meetings and general shenanigans,…

5 Tips For Saving Time On Twitter

If you have been trying to build up your Twitter skills and enhance your social media strategy with your tweeting and following, we have some tips that will help save you some time. Many thanks to Leyl Black for inspiration on this awesome list. Follow Other’s Lists: Chances are, there is a comprehensive list of people…