20 Free Ways To Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts

Twitter just keeps growing in the social media world and as it becomes more and more responsible for information sharing on the web, individuals and businesses are taking note. If you happen to be one of those lucky people managing multiple Twitter accounts either for different blogs, your business, or a combination of personal and…

Social Media Vocabulary: Location Edition

For this week’s (Spring Break!) edition of social media vocabulary we have 5 new words that are all different location-based social networks. Warning: Some of these words are really strange! If you forget one, remember to check out our new social media vocabulary page to review or check out others. Brightkite: Brightkite allows people to…

From Ashton to Social Media Bastion: Twitter Has Evolved

If you have been to your Twitter page lately, like, the actual one in your browser you have probably noticed the big upgrades they rolled out recently. For a long time, it seemed like Twitter was the only social network site that was actually the worst option for managing your social media profiles and conversations….

5 Blogging Services Square Off For Best Uptime

If you are trying to start writing for the web, you may be looking around for the best blogging service out there. Content is the center of social media integration and without a good blog service, you can’t get that content out to your people. We use WordPress here at Salty Waffle, but that doesn’t…

Infographic Friday: The Crisis In Egypt As Told By Twitter

This a great piece done by social media analytics company, Sysomos on the way Twitter saw the crisis in Egypt. It looks at tweets from those in the area before and after January 25th. It is interesting to look at the words that were used most commonly and note that well over a million tweets were…

Traffic Is Vanity, Conversion Is Sanity

These are wise words, traffic can make you feel great, but if it doesn’t convert for you, it doesn’t mean much. On Thursday we had a record day in terms of traffic on Salty Waffle, like, by a LOT. One article in particular was viewed over 1,700 times and shared 142 times via Facebook. We’re…

To Infinity and Beyond: Creating Your ‘Mini-Manifesto’

As I sit here in my room, trying to remain productive I keep getting status updates, tweets, and even a text or two mentioning the new Toy Story and just how amazing it is. Being as I haven’t seen it yet, I am growing increasingly jealous of what seems to be every other person in…

Facebook Homicide: 5 Manners Social Media Killed

The following is a crime scene; there are 5 dead manners below. The chief suspect: social media and its greatest accomplice, Facebook. Growing up, my mom was a stickler for manners and they have served me well. I know I slip up all the time, sorry mom, but for the most part I try and…