Online Marketing: Star Trek, Groupies, and Hogs, Create Your Own Virtual Street Team Now!

Trekkies, groupies, H.O.G.s: all groups of people united by a shared passion. Whether it be a sci-fi show, band, or louder than necessary motorcycle, the power of fan groups like these are undeniable—just  ask Walmart about a little site that cropped up a while back call So what does this mean for you? It…

3 Business Tips From Frogger: Traffic, Bounce, and Conversion

If you are not familiar with the classic arcade game, Frogger is a game featuring a loveable frog that you must safely navigate across a busy highway so that he may feast on the tasty bugs on the other side. It is simple enough, but I was thinking aboutthe topic of web analytics and metrics,…

My SEO Quest | Defeat New Zealand: The Conclusion

Well, my grand quest to defeat the other ‘Mitchell Cuevas’ from New Zealand through SEO tactics turned out to be more of a massacre than the battle I expected. I have Salty Waffle to thank for the fact that today, well before the end of the year, New Zealand has fallen. I searched my name…

Gone in .06 Seconds: A Marketing and SEO Oversight That Hurt

Nicolas Cage may be able to steal six figure valued cars in less than 60 seconds, but here is how failing to keep up on your presence in social media, Google, and the press could cost you say, $50,000 every .06 seconds. A recent experience in my hunt for housing last month reminded me of…

Twitter Grader: The Little Bird On Our Shoulder

The people over at HubSpot have created another great tool for measuring your online influence and effectiveness. In this case, the relative influence of twitter account. The product is called Twitter Grader and through its simple interface allows you to get a grade for any twitter account. We have made our twitter score part of…

Cloud computing: Streamline your business with the newest tech solution-by Guest Blogger Anne Bruns

My 5-year-old son was pretty amazed watching his dad work. My husband was on my phone, submitting orders to one distributor, checking order statuses off his website, responding to emails from 3 different accounts and uploading pics of a new product to his Facebook business profile.The whole process taking under 20 minutes. We were trying…

Monday Bloody Monday

Don’t ask for engagement on a Monday people ARE actually working or catching up on what they put off during the weekend. Monday I posted HIRING HIRING and got no responses! Not one and I reposted 4 times, then on Tuesday the day of media consumption 8 immediate hits. They have been rolling in since….