Social Media Certification

Google it and see how many credible looking pages you find. How many actual schools have a program listed? How many universities even have a single class offered on social media? A seminar even? If your search was anything like mine, it was filled with junk. Links and ads that make hard to tell which…

Is Your Social Working? [Infographic]

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with social media is not tracking your efforts. Though about 80% of companies surveyed said they do social, only 40% of those said they tracked their efforts. We’ve talked about tools for doing this before, but Flowtown has another great infographic here about the state of ‘Social…

Measuring Social Influence: Klout

A while back we wrote about how Bing and Google were making the way people share information on the social web an important part of search rankings and page results. You can’t have great SEO without a good social strategy. Social is SEO and SEO is social. This is why it is so important to…

Make Marketing Fun Again

“Social Media makes marketing fun again!” exclaimed Kelly Batke, (the brunette) and Communications Manager at Faronics Vancouver, BC. Wow Kelly, we can’t agree more! Take a Salty Waffle social media class and learn how you can make marketing fun too!

Social Media Vocabulary: The 5 Top Web Hosting Services

If you tried to visit us earlier today and were greeted by an ugly error message, we’re sorry. We had some hosting related issues and our customer service experience with our provider was less than stellar. Hosting is hugely important and since it’s so appropriate today, our social media vocabulary day will give you the…

Social Media + Personality = Job Offers

Last night Salty Waffle went to a great LinkedIn Seattle meet up, if you were there it was awesome to meet you! Nicole spoke about social media and one of the things many people learned from it was that social can actually help you find a job! Savvy businesses check out everything you have online…

Social Media Vocabulary: Apps Of The (Near) Future

Learning social media vocabulary is about more than just catching up and keeping up, its about staying ahead. Today’s edition is looking ahead to some apps that we think are going to play a significant role in our live’s in the very near future. If not these, someone executing the ideas behind them better. Ongo: A powerhouse…