Social Media Sites Drive Traffic, And They’re Free

It may not be a huge surprise that Facebook and Twitter are the social media sites responsible for driving a majority of traffic to blogs, but it’s astounding just how dominant they are in the space. Every year, Technorati does their State of the Blogosphere study which surveys thousands of bloggers. Trends since even last year are…

The Year In Social Media (via eBook!)

Well Salty Waffle friends, social media continues to move at breakneck speed. Even in just the last few months, StumbleUpon passed up Facebook, Google went social, and Skype cashed in with the empire. We know it can be darn near impossible to keep up with everything, especially all the latest best practices, strategies, great business tools, services, and otherwise…

Social Media Vocabulary: EdgeRank

Some of, if not the most important parts of the web are the algorithms that make it run. Google’s search formula determines who shows up where in results, web crawlers are controlled by algorithms as they comb the web for information, and yes, social media uses them to make our online social life tick. A word popped…

The Problem With Stumbleupon

The problem isn’t so much with StumbleUpon itself, as it is with the traffic that comes from it. Earlier this year, StumbleUpon passed up Facebook as the number one source of social media traffic in the US. That means that StumbleUpon is responsible for more people finding more links and visiting those links, despite having…

10 Social Media Facts: Socialnomics

Ever since I watched their first video, I have loved Socialnomics way of putting social media into perspective. Today we have another video from them and some more awesome social media facts and stats. Sit back and enjoy! Adults spend over 15 hours a week online Broadband access is 55%, it will be 90% in…

The Top 5 Ways To Get Laid Using Social Media

Sorry if that title was a little misleading, this is actually about the Top 5 dating sites and personals sites as of right now. It is interesting to see how social media is changing the way we date and especially, start relationships. I know quite a few couples that met online and I’m sure you…

How and Why: You Probably Want To Get Going On Google +1

SEO and social media are getting more and more friendly with each other every day. The fact is, Google and the other search engines recognize that information about link sharing along on social networks is just too valuable to pass up and they have to start putting it to use to make search even better….