The Business Of Social Media [Infographic]

74% of consumers rely on social networks to help guide purchase decisions. Wow. If you ever doubted whether all that Facebook and Twitter work was worth, 3/4 of the population just said yes, we use it to decide whether or not we’re buying your product. That was just one of the great statistics in this…

Geosocial, The NBA Lockout, and Infographics Galore

I know that we usually show you our favorite infographics on Fridays, but being that today is my birthday and I personally love them so much, I’m putting a couple awesome ones up right now! Check both of these out, the first is on who is using location based social networks and the second is…

Facebook Feed: Most Recent Is Back!

Remember when new Facebook took away the ability to organize your new feed chronologically? Well, apparently enough people didn’t like it and Facebook has decided to add back the option to sort your news feed by time updates were posted, rather than by which ones Facebook thinks you will find important. This is a slight win…

Guest Post: How HR Uses Social Media

These HR tips come from Erin Palmer and Villanova University’s online programs. If you’re interested in advancing your HR knowledge consider a human resources certification program or to really advance your career opportunities enroll in a Masters Degree in Human Resources program. In recent years social media has taken the world by storm. Many companies have…

Social Media Vocabulary: Twitter #hashtag Edition

Twitter has not only given us a slough of new Twitter-based words, it also adds to the growing world of new social media vocabulary with the hashtags that grow out of the network. These are 5 of the most popular trends from 2010 mixed with a couple of our personal favorites. If you’re tweeting, it might…

Social And SEO, You Can’t Have One Without The Other

These days, you can’t have an SEO strategy that doesn’t have social media at the core, not a good one at least. The two are merging. Dynamic SEO is king and the social search movement is tying search to your social network so tightly, not a single person will have the same results. This graphic is a…

Non-Profits And Social Media [Infographic]

If there were ever organizations on a tight budget, non-profits are it. They need to do as much good on the least amount of money. That’s why a good social media strategy is so fitting for many of them. Take a look at how some big name non-profits are doing with social media. Social truly…

Social Media Vocabulary: The Bird Is The Word

There’s no question that the internet and social media are reshaping our vocabulary on a daily basis. Even the Oxford Dictionary is getting with the times. Just last week they introduced ZOMG and Twittersphere to a growing list of new words with a decidedly tech and social feel.

In honor of this, Salty Waffle’s social media vocabulary edition for today will take a look at 5 words recently admitted the Oxford Dictionary. You can now officially use these without the annoying red squigly line popping up below! (…like it did on squigly…)

ZOMG: An enthusiastic version of OMG, slang for the phrase ‘oh my god’. Used to portray excitement or shock, can be used in any sense that the phrase ‘oh my god’ applies to. The Z is though to have originated from[…]

How To Tell Who Deleted You On New Facebook [Update]

If you were one of the many people who have been using the script we wrote about a while back to track when someone deletes you on Facebook, you may have noticed it stopped working when the new Facebook launched in September. Well, as far as we can tell the script hasn’t been fixed yet….