Occupy Wall Street: The Social Media Map

When I saw this map of Occupy Wall Street, I had to share. ESRI has put together a map marking significant pieces of media and social media related to Occupy Wall Street. There are YouTube videos, tweets, and pictures. You can move about the map and look at reactions related to the movement. It’s easier to try out than…

Bring A Little Love To Facebook With Last.fm

If you’ve been on Facebook lately and seen all the Spotify posts about what people are listening to, you know that sharing tracks is a really natural social  thing to do. Well, before all this business with Facebook Music and Spotify, some people over at last.fm already knew this. In fact, they’ve been helping people…

3 Twitter Do’s and 3 Twitter Don’ts

When it comes to Twitter, there is some etiquette involved. At Salty Waffle we’re all about passing on the social media knowledge we’ve come by, so here are three things you should do on Twitter, and three things you probably shouldn’t. If you are interested in learning more about social media etiquette and best practices, try out one of…

Rejected: 95% Of Employers Use Social Networks To Check Out Job Candidates

Our friends at Faronics have been hard at work writing a bunch of great articles on everything from how to be safer online, to trends in social media. If you need a security expert, they are a great source. This is a guest post from Ryan at Faronics on just how important it is to…

Social Media Certification

Google it and see how many credible looking pages you find. How many actual schools have a program listed? How many universities even have a single class offered on social media? A seminar even? If your search was anything like mine, it was filled with junk. Links and ads that make hard to tell which…

3 Quick Tools For Plugging Up Privacy Leaks In The New Facebook

It seems like every time they make a change to how Facebook looks and feels, there is a little bit of public image damage control to be done. With all the recent changes in the last ‘upgrade’, this time around is no exception. Here are 3 tools you can use to figure out just what everyone can…

Social Media Vocabulary: What Is All This Weird New Facebook Stuff?

By now, you have probably either accepted the new look of Facebook, albeit grudgingly, or moved on to Google+ or something else. Either way, you will want to know what all this new stuff is so you can properly praise it or complain about it. So, this week social media vocabulary is giving a name to…