How to improve cxd

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: CxD is the New Brand

Welcome back to another edition of Salty’s Social Media Vocabulary. Instead of our regular list of vocab words, we’re going to discuss customer service design, a topic that’s near and dear to us (and most successful brands). We’ve talked about customer experience design before, and we’d like to expand on how CxD should be a…

meme best practices

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: What’s in a Meme?

As brands do, it wasn’t long after memes hit the internet that marketers tried to appropriate them into marketing and content plans. Of course memes can be a unique way to connect with an audience, and many brands have had success either creating brands or piggybacking on trending memes. Generally brand meme strategies seem to fall…

increase user engagement

Mastering the Elements: Avatar Your Customer to Increase User Engagement

Overview Our regional real estate client Henry’s Home Investments sought to grow their business both geographically and financially. We’ll start by defining a Customer Avatar, then we’ll outline the process of creating a customer avatar, and ultimately how it affected user engagement for Henry’s. What is a Customer Avatar? A Customer Avatar (CA) is a fictional…

social media vocabulary content planning

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: Content to Plan Content

Welcome to another edition of Salty’s Social Media Vocabulary. Over the past two weeks we talked about customer journey maps and how they can help grow your business and improve your customer’s experience. In the example map, many customer points of contact happen by way of social media. As such, this week we’re discussing another…

social media vocabulary customer journey maps

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: More on That Customer Journey

Last week we talked about building customer journey maps, and how they can help you understand your business and improve the customer experience. This week we’re covering a few related topics that we use at Salty Waffle to help our clients improve their customer experience. Experience Map: is a slightly more nuanced take on the…

Customer Journey Map

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: Mapping Your Customer Journey

Welcome back to another edition of Salty Social Media Vocabulary. After a couple of weeks of Instagram hashtags, we’ve decided to bring it back to customer experience. One of our favorite tools we use with clients is a customer journey map. A customer journey map is a visual representation of every point of contact between…

social media vocabulary

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: In the News

With the increasing number of Americans who get their news online and on social media, we thought it might be a good time to touch on news and how it relates to social media. Because the exchange of information in itself is not a simple topic, we’ll also be covering some adjacent and related topics….

social media vocabulary

Salty Social Media Vocabulary: What’s in a Theme?

Welcome back to Salty Social Media Vocabulary, where we explore and define all things social media and social media marketing. As the name indicates, there’s no specific theme to this week’s social media vocabulary list, so let’s get started! Adwords: is the name for Google’s ever-popular PPC technology that targets adverts to specific keywords and…