Sorry, But I Have To Ask…

Today’s infographic gives us some really interesting statistics on the ‘social ask’. We’re inundated by requests on social media sites everyday, that’s  a fact, but is it too much? Does it bother you when someone requests a like, a follow, a fan me, or something similar? Is 3 million a month just too much? How do…

Don’t Lose Everything: Back-up Your Social Media

It’s something most of us don’t think about on a regular basis, but the safety of your online data is always at risk. Twitter has well publicized up-time issues and even the behemoth’s like Facebook and Google have a little kinks in the line once in a while. When you start thinking about the possibility of losing…

Just How Quick Is Twitter? Quick Enough To Save Your Life

When Japan was hit with an Earthquake, Twitter was there. When Osama got taken out, it was live on Twitter. So what does this mean? It means Twitter is a legitimate place for information to spread FAST. On cue, Mexico is the first among what might become an increasing number of countries to use Twitter…

Social Media Vocabulary: #SM Diseases and Disorders Part II

Social media can sure be fun, but sometimes we can run into problems, especially when it comes to those nasty diseases and disorders. We warned you about a few before, but here are 5 more to watch out for! Social Media Anxiety: Stemming from a fear of being judged or being foolish, a person suffering from social…

The Problem With Stumbleupon

The problem isn’t so much with StumbleUpon itself, as it is with the traffic that comes from it. Earlier this year, StumbleUpon passed up Facebook as the number one source of social media traffic in the US. That means that StumbleUpon is responsible for more people finding more links and visiting those links, despite having…

Google Tugs At Your Heartstrings With ‘Dear Sophie’

A while back we wrote that the online records of people stored across various profiles in social media would begin to create the richest living history the human race has ever seen. It seems Google agrees. Their new commercial promoting Chrome tells the story of a father recording the life of his daughter starting with…

Social Media Vocabulary: Social Networks For Better Health!

We’ve covered all kinds of social networks in the past with previous editions of social media vocabulary, so when I realized a couple of my favorite alternative networks were missing, I knew it was time to get them their time in the sun. This week’s theme is fitness and health. As you will see, there…

Osama Top 10: The Comprehensive Guide To The Social Media Swirl Before, During, and After Bin Laden’s Death

If you haven’t heard that Osama bin Laden is dead, you must be living under a rock (No pun intended). When news first broke about Osama, it didn’t happen on any major news network. Twitter beat everyone to it, in fact, the events of Osama’s death were live tweeted by a guy chilling in the…

10 Social Media Facts: Socialnomics

Ever since I watched their first video, I have loved Socialnomics way of putting social media into perspective. Today we have another video from them and some more awesome social media facts and stats. Sit back and enjoy! Adults spend over 15 hours a week online Broadband access is 55%, it will be 90% in…