Social Media Vocabulary: Authenticity Is Awesome

Every once in a while, someone or something will remind me to go back to speaking English. At Salty Waffle, we are immersed in the world of social media classes and we talk like it, especially with each other. Sometimes it takes some blank stares and funny looks to remind me that our vocabulary is…

Making Sweet Social Music Together

Music has been slowly getting back to being the more social experience that it really should be. The digital music age and hostile iPod takeover of the industry really isolated us in our listening and made music more solitary than maybe ever before. Thankfully things are headed back the other way. Social networks like,…

Men Dominate Twitter: 15% More Followers

Well, YouTube may be the social network site that has more male users, but another site has some interesting trends going in the male direction. It is well-known that most social network activity centers on women and that they are generally more active in social media than men, but some Twitter stats about gender make…

Social Media Vocabulary: Location Edition

For this week’s (Spring Break!) edition of social media vocabulary we have 5 new words that are all different location-based social networks. Warning: Some of these words are really strange! If you forget one, remember to check out our new social media vocabulary page to review or check out others. Brightkite: Brightkite allows people to…

From Ashton to Social Media Bastion: Twitter Has Evolved

If you have been to your Twitter page lately, like, the actual one in your browser you have probably noticed the big upgrades they rolled out recently. For a long time, it seemed like Twitter was the only social network site that was actually the worst option for managing your social media profiles and conversations….

Japan: Social Media Aid In Real Dollars

When the devastating earthquake struck Japan last week, we wrote about how Causes was quickly moving to raise aid money for the relief efforts. In the few days since, several other social media related efforts have popped up to help raise money as well. The results are simply mind-blowing: Causes: Raised $228,000 so far on…

5 Blogging Services Square Off For Best Uptime

If you are trying to start writing for the web, you may be looking around for the best blogging service out there. Content is the center of social media integration and without a good blog service, you can’t get that content out to your people. We use WordPress here at Salty Waffle, but that doesn’t…

Friday Infographic: The New Marketing Trifecta!

In continuing with a tradition of awesome infographics from Flowtown, we’re bringing you the new marketing trifecta! Flowtown sees social media, mobile, and email as the core of an effective (and inexpensive) modern marketing plan, so if you’re bootstrapping like us, check it out! If you need help executing, try out our classes, we’re teaching…

You Are The New History Channel

Can you remember the last time someone took a picture and the next comment from them or someone else didn’t involve concern over when it would be tagged and posted to Facebook? Social media has changed the way humans record history. I was watching a movie where a guy joking about Facebook says, “I don’t…