Social Media Class at Seattle Central: Social Author Basics

Here’s the Social Author Prezi from Social Media Marketing at Seattle Central. Social Authoring differs from traditional authoring because it needs to be in the authentic voice of the brand and include key words. It’s a true art to write well for the web. Salty Waffle Social Author SEO Basics on Prezi

The BCS Is Terrible, Weird Cats, Ochocinco, Rubber Stamps, Vegan Waffles, And The Thing That Powers All Of Social Media

During my usual procrastination circuit of TechCrunch, Woot, ESPN, and Facebook I noticed two things. Well, three, first that I wasn’t getting anything done, two, that Oklahoma is somehow number one in the BCS standings, and three, sports owns social media on the weekends. Scrolling through my Facebook feed, every other post was about the…

On Second Thought, Maybe Women Are Actually Better At Twitter

Last week, we shared some interesting social network statistics about men and women on Twitter. The first question a bunch of people had was, wait, isn’t how people use Twitter more important that the number of followers they have? Going along with that, we did a bit of research sticking with the gender angle and found…

I Think Social Media Stole Something From Me!

The new (ish) cell phone driving laws in Oregon are killing me. I don’t like headsets and I can manage my phone just fine, thank you. So why are they taking away my phone during drive time? Social media made them. I’m not trying to deny that the task of driving should be given its…

Crowd Sourcing Trust, The Social Network That’s All About Helping Each Other Out

Ever played that Google game where you hop from result to result real quick like hoping not to get your feet burned on a bad link? Us too, but no longer do you have to worry about those shady sites full of viruses and spyware. And that’s thanks to you. Thanks to you and a…

Social Media Integration: Key Vocabulary

Social Media Integration is when you use social media outlets to enhance internal or external communication. There are many terms to describe each aspect of the integration: Social Media Marketing: Initiating and participating in relevant conversation online in order to divert traffic to your site. Social Media Advertising: Paying for people to post articles, tweet,…

Hugh Macleod: Death to the Social Media Dotcom Douchebags

According to Hugh Macleod there are too many “Dotcom Douchebags” out there spewing mass amounts of useless, meaningless content that clutters the web and your brain. Social media, marketing, and most especially advertising professionals were singled out in this talk as a generalization of who spreads the crap out there online. Hugh is hysterical in…