7 Styles of Learning and Social Media Training

When you get certified for your level 3 snowboard instructor you have to know the 7 styles of learning and how to apply them in a lesson. When we teach social media we do the same. -The Seven Learning Styles- Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic): You…

Awesome Influencer Infographic

Here is an awesome infographic about influencers online and how to engage with them. http://www.smartinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Different-types-influencers.png

New Year, New Degree, New Job

As many of you know, I’ve spent the last 19 months working on obtaining my Executive MBA at Fresno State.  While most of you were sleeping in, we had class on campus every Saturday, from 8a – 5p, for 1 year.  We averaged 20 – 40 hours a week on assignments, plus building my internet marketing…

How the Internet Has Affected Our Brains!

Our brains adapt constantly to the environment and surroundings we’re in.  So, in this “techno” age, where we are spending more and more time in front of the computer, how has that affected how our brains work? This interesting infographic shows us just how much technology, the internet, and social media have changed the chemistry…

Grow Your Business Using Social Media Seminar

The effects of social media are everywhere as business owners looking to grow their operations while connecting with customers and prospects use social media to yield tangible results.  The Visalia Chamber of Commerce will host a half-day seminar designed to help business professionals implement social media tools and will highlight several local social media “success…

Be sure to Have a Handle on Your Company’s Twitter Handle

Managing a Twitter account for your brand or company is an essential part of your social media and online presence.  However, managing that account and making sure the correct material is posted is even more essential.  KitchenAid learned this the hard way when the following tweet was posted from their Twitter handle during the Presidential…